For Referring Professionals

I am always happy to be contacted by a GP or Solicitor or Teacher to discuss
whether therapy could be of value to their patients and clients.


GPs seldom have enough appointment time to deal fully with their patients, who are
experiencing a crisis or emotional pain and suffering in their lives. Sometimes referring
these patients on to a therapist can be useful.

I am experienced in dealing with:

  • Depression and Anxiety conditions;
  • Couple and Family breakdown;
  • Sexual and Identity difficulties;
  • Separation and Loss issues;
  • Families with a member who has a physical or mental health difficulty.Some doctors with whom I have worked in the past are:
  • Dr Melitta Brownrigg in Royston, Herts. & Dr Bartlett in Papworth, Cambs and others.


My work with Solicitors has been two way: me referring clients to them when they require legal expertise or Solicitors referring clients to me when they need help with emotional, psychological or relationship aspects during divorce or separation.

Whether a Solicitor is representing a client in a divorce, mediation or collaborative law situation, emotional issues can arise and interfere with the legal work, but which could be dealt with therapeutically. Sometimes Solicitors have sent me clients who later resume their legal goals, or we have both worked in our different domains at the same time.

The relevant areas I have experience in are:

  • Ending a marriage or relationship;
  • Step-family issues;
  • Death and bereavement;
  • Siblings and child behaviour;
  • Illness and Wills.

Solicitors with whom I have worked in the past are:

  • Roger Bamber, Mills & Reeve. Cambridge
  • Simon Gummer, Stanley Tee, Bishops Stortford.
  • Deborah Hargreaves, Silver Fitzgerald, Cambridge.


Children’s behaviour can frequently be a signal of distress or confusion about what may or may not be happening in their families. During times of great change in families, for example, people leaving or joining the family, relocation, and parents’ job situations changing significantly, children may not always be able to know about, or articulate, what could be bothering them.
Teachers are in a good position to observe alterations in children’s moods and behaviours at school and may consider that dealing with these in a family context with a family therapist might be a constructive way forward for the child. While I am not a qualified psychologist, who can assess children formally, I have worked like this in the past with:

  • Kevin Jones and Rosemary Mead at Saint John’s School, Cambridge

Inappropriate circumstances for a referral

There are certain referrals that are inappropriate for a private practitioner working alone, as these are best dealt with in a multidisciplinary clinic setting, where psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists work together to hold a client. Once through the crisis, then a referral to someone like me could be useful for the client.

Some examples of such situations are florid mental health episodes (mania or suicidal conditions) and major ongoing episodes of abuse – drug, alcohol, violence or sexual.